Paul Draper Paul Draper (ex. Mansun) – SIX再現ツアーと今後 -Q&A 2024 2023年12月にファンに質問をメールしてねーと告知されていたPaul DraperのQ&Aの回答が公開されました。 2024.01.03 Paul DraperMansunInterview
Paul Draper “Streaming Enabled Me to Perform Live in China” Says Paul Draper, Former Lead Singer of Mansun | thebeijinger It's not uncommon for a musician to find a second life in the music industry in this day and age. Lo... 2019.03.09 Paul DraperInterview
Japanese Info 【インタビュー】ポール・ドレイパー、マンサンからソロワークまで大いに語る | BARKS 英国の古都チェスターを拠点にした4人組マンサンがシーンに躍り出たのは、栄華を極めたブリットポップが終盤に差し掛かった1990年代後半のこと。1997年の耽美な1作目で堂々の全英1位を獲得後、翌1998... 2019.02.28 Japanese InfoPaul DraperMansunInterview
Paul Draper Mansun frontman Paul Draper fashions a new legacy | Kyodo News On 1998 hit single "Legacy", Mansun frontman Paul Draper lamented, "Nobody cares when you’re gone." ... 2019.02.28 Paul DraperMansunInterview
Japanese Info A conversation in Tokyo with former Mansun frontman Paul Draper | Kyodo News Paul Draper talks about Japan, Mansun and solo projects, his favorite karaoke anecdote and more duri... 2019.02.28 Japanese InfoPaul DraperMansunInterview
Paul Draper Playlists and interviews exploring British subculture: Paul Draper | Name, where are you from? Paul Draper from Liverpool Describe your style in three words? Alternati... 2018.06.17 Paul DraperMovie, RadioInterview
Paul Draper Mansun’s classic ‘Attack Of The Grey Lantern’ at 21 – Paul Draper reveals all about each and every track – NME Back in the high days of Britpop, Mansun released an album that sat askew from the pervading happy-g... 2018.06.15 Paul DraperMansunReviewInterview
Paul Draper Britpop Revival Show presents The Paul Draper (Mansun) Interview by Britpop Revival | Mixcloud 情報源: Britpop Revival Show presents The Paul Draper (Mansun) Interview 2018.04.24 Paul DraperInterview