Paul Draper Mansun – Attack Of The Grey Lantern (Collectors Edition) – THE LINE OF BEST FIT Simon Rueben takes a look at Mansun's debut album, wondering whether or not it deserves such a lavis... 2010.06.09 Paul DraperMansunReview
Paul Draper Paul Draper On Attack Of The Grey Lantern – 3CD Special Edition | In 2007, a special 10th Anniversary AOTGL Mansun MySpace blog stated: “Released on 17th February 199... 2010.06.01 Paul DraperMansun
Mansun UKバンド マンサンのデビュー作がCD3枚組のコレクターズ・エディションで再登場!|CD Jounal 90年代の英国シーンを駆け抜けた、英チェスター出身バンド、マンサン(Mansun)のデビュー・アルバム『アタック・オブ・ザ・グレイ・ランターン(Attack Of The Grey Lantern)』... 2010.04.26 MansunNEWS
Paul Draper Interview with British singer/songwriter Paul Draper (Mansun) (Text) – Youthmedia Europe Interview with British band Mansun lead singer Paul Draper about culture, music, laughs and European... 2010.01.01 Paul DraperInterview未分類
Paul Draper London Astoria has its final night before being demolished | NME.COM The night also saw some older faces returning to the Astoria. Mansun's Paul Draper appeared onstage ... 2009.01.15 Paul DraperMy VitriolProduce
Paul Draper Astoria’s last hurrah: Mansun’s Paul Draper to join Get Cape, My Vitriol and more / Music News // Drowned In Sound 情報源: Astoria's last hurrah: Mansun's Paul Draper to join Get Cape, My Vitriol and more / Music News ... 2009.01.09 Paul DraperMy Vitriol
Paul Draper マンサン、解散から5年目にしてベスト盤リリース | Mansun | BARKS音楽ニュース 緊張感漲るエッジの立ったギターロックとニュー・ウェーヴの香り漂う耽美なサウンドの絶妙な融合…。 90年代後半、ブラー、スーパーグラスを筆頭とする“ブリットポップ”ムーヴメントの終焉を鮮烈なデビュー・ア... 2008.12.06 Paul DraperMansun
Japanese Info The Big Question: What are A&Rs, and can a record company survive without them? | The Independent Why are we asking this now? On Wednesday, EMI's boss said the company is to axe A&Rs – the "artist a... 2008.02.29 Japanese InfoPaul DraperColumn
Paul Draper Mansun’s Lonely Love Song: Kleptomania Steals One Last Glimpse of the Band that Never Was | PopMatters Mansun often seemed to be mocking, not just the trappings of rock stardom (which had become commonpl... 2005.02.18 Paul DraperMansunColumn
Mansun The Mansun family | INDEPENDENT First there was Britpop. Then there was - what? Some of us don't care what comes next, so long as th... 1997.02.10 MansunColumn